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    I help people understand and plan their ideas.


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    The Brand Strategy Kit

    The best tool for developing your brand blueprint and setting up all of your key marketing channels.



    Learn More

  • From understanding your brand to learning about marketing management (content planning, budgeting, and social media).


    The Brand Workshops hosted by Krystian for Storytime Studios can help.

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  • Blog Posts

    11 de octubre de 2023
    This is dangerous territory because talking about your "Personal Brand" has become so popular that by putting my two cents into the mix, I risk... I'm not sure what exactly, but something. So instead of filling out the typical formula for this sort of thing (outline the problem, propose a...
    20 de septiembre de 2023
    What's the difference between a Brand Strategy and a Content Strategy?   The answer is Purpose.   This question could be the subject of a textbook, but in this case, I'll define Brand Strategy as the bigger picture. What your Brand stands for, its identity, and where you spend time...
    1 de septiembre de 2023
    The world's been a bit crazy for, well, forever. But here are some of the latest headlines I thought were topical to what I wanted to discuss today.   Writers in Hollywood are striking because they don't want a machine (AI) to take their job.AI is currently growing off an open-source and open...
    A couple of weeks ago, along with 2,000 others went to a "small" fireside chat with Sam Altman, the CEO of OpenAI - creators of ChatGPT. Here are the key points I took away from the session.   1. There are many unknowns. His world tour aimed to try and understand as many of them as possible,...
    Part 2: The Three Biggest Opportunities in Supply Chain Branding.   Last week I posted part one of this two-part series on Supply Chain Branding. You can read it here.   Today, I'm moving from observing Supply Chain marketing problems and discussing why people invest in brand building to...
    Part 1: The Issues and Investments.   In this article for Storytime, I wrote about the struggles as well as the main reasons people invest in brand building. To my surprise, I find myself in a unique position of being able to speak not only to marketing but also to the logistics and supply...
    More Posts
  • How to get in touch.

    The best way to connect professionally is through the Calendy links above, on LinkedIn, or via the email form provided here.

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    To my time machine of past projects.

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    Till 2012




    After graduating high school in 2008, I spent time figuring out what to do with myself and worked various jobs. Things started to shift when I went to work for a commercial flooring company.


    During this time, I started to dabble in building systems with an idea called JobLog, a custom-built task management system.

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    2012 till 2016


    I began in logistics and supply chain through a cadetship program for Montague Cold Storage. I started out on the front lines of a 30,000 pallet warehouse, driving forklifts and learning how to process orders. Then I moved to the Operations Team, which oversaw and supported the various systems, staff, and customers of the Montague Group.


    From WMS to TMS to Maintenance and visitor kiosks. We did everything from finding and managing vendors, supporting warehouse sites and managing change when new systems were implemented.


    When a system was unavailable off-the-shelf, we developed bespoke systems - this is where I developed the Entry Managmenet System - a single web-based application that integrated into eleven different systems. The end result was a complete view of every truck coming and going on-site, as well as a comprehensive set of reports to accompany each movement.

    • Voice picking system.
    • Production line analysis.
    • Activity-based costings reports.
    • Greenfield site launch, Truganina.
    • WMS implementation.
    • TMS implementation.
    • Entry management system (this was my baby).
    • Maintenance management system implementation.
    • Fruit bin tracking system.

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      2016 till semester one of 2019 - RMIT University


      I went to RMIT University, full-time, to complete my Bachelor of Business (majoring in Logistics & Supply Chain Management and doing minor subjects in marketing).


      During this time I worked as a contract Business Analyst for a Point of Sales software company while and getting involved in committees, startups, and developing my own ideas.

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      More projects from 2018


      RMIT Electric Racing is RMIT's biggest student club. Each year the team builds a race car from scratch and enters it into the Formula SAE competition. I wasn't asked to help build the car because... I have no idea how to do that. What I was able to help with was the business case and presentation for the team's 2018 entry.



      R22 Racing I got involved with the booming eSports scene with GOATi Entertainment.



      Essendon Football Club Hackathon was an invite-only event with the club. Which was looking for new ways to engage their female fan base. Across the unique hackathon structure, we developed a solution and pitched the concept. We did not win.



      ASCL Future Leaders Award 2018 Finalist.

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      Content & Directories

      (Still in 2018)



      The LMN Post was a podcast and blog dedicated to explaining the supply chain in a fun way. The podcast still exists; you can go and listen to it now, but no new episodes are being made.



      In 2018 I also experimented with an idea called the Carter.Directory, a website that was dedicated to consolidating all supply chain-related events - in Melbourne - into one place. This didn't go anywhere. I tried but closed the site down.

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      GUD Hackathon



      In preparation for a project (the To Be Disrupted - Ideathon), I entered a hackathon with my good friend Jesse (though we ended up on separate teams).


      We pitched TrueCOW, A tool that helps you understand the true cost of owning your wheels. Somehow, we won! So that was fun.

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      TBD Ideathon

      (Mid 2018)


      When I first joined the Supply Chain & Logistics Association of Australia (SCLAA), the President of Victoria's chapter asked me what I wanted to achieve. My response was, "a program that puts experienced professionals, new ideas, and young people into a room, then let's see what happens".

      The To Be Disrupted Ideathon, which was put on in mid-2018, was the manifestation of this statement. Working with the legends on the SCLAA committee and partnering with PwC, RMIT, and Pitchblak, we were able to put together a one-day hybrid hackathon and design thinking session. Giving young people the opportunity to network with the industry and giving the industry a breath of fresh air with new approaches to supply chain problems.


      The reception of this event was very positive as teams worked to solve the waste management issues that were confronting Victoria at the time.

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      Storytime Studios.

      December 2019 - till now.


      I started a branding, strategy, and marketing business called Storytime Studios.